Friday, September 17, 2010


I have been hired on by a local web company to do the content writing for a pretty amazing new website.  I am having my first ever client meeting on Tuesday. Hopfeully I don't screw it up! 

Also, I have been contacted by a local newspaper over the prospect o freelancing for them. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I land the job. 

Finally I am gainfully employeed! 

note: my employment has nothing to do with Peggy Olson but I am fond of the dress she is wearing.    I wish everyone dressed like it was 1958 again. 


archshrk said...

I wish everyone dressed like it was 1958 again.

Me too!

Amelia said...

hmmm, I guess i take that back. Apart from flight attendent outifts aimed to please gross dudes I wish that the styles of 1958 were still in.