Monday, October 23, 2006

Amelia is a grump

Aaron is gone on one of his diving adventures this week leaving me alone with the three little munchkins. Today consisted of free admission and birthday cake at my kids playhouse, a doctors appointment for Andrew, and afterwards a trip to the golden arches for dinner. After Andrew's appointment the nurse commented on how fabulously behaved my children are. They are always wowing medical personnel with their ability to sit still and quietly for extended periods of time. Now if only they could do the same during other social situations. They are an ornery bunch.

Today at my Kid's clubhouse (it's a play land for toddlers) Amelia thought that everything was hers. Her view of the world is simple: Everything is there for her and other people have no business touching her things. It would be hilarious if she weren;t my daughter. It was one melt down after another. There was a kid playing in the fire truck she wanted to play in, there was a girl pushing a shopping cart she wanted, and then there was the kid who had the audacity to ride on the horse she had her eye on. All of these children recieved Amelia's wrath. She growled and screamed and pointed rudely with her chubby fingers. For her it was tragic while for me it was downright embarrassing.

She spent the first half hour yelling at other children while I received a ton of dirty looks. Did I allow her to get away with this behavior? No. Did it continue despite her getting in trouble over and over again? Yes. Finally a little boy refused to acknowledge her shrieks of rage and persisted on playing with and near her. This was perplexing to Amelia yet oddly calming. After that there was no more growling. Who knew that one little trail blazing 3 year old was the answer to my problems? Perhaps she is cured. I can only hope.

Andrew's doctor's appointment was slightly discouraging. His hearing has not improved and our option appears to be a hearing aid. We have a follow up with his ENT and perhaps this doctor may have another surgical option. I asked if we could get one that is barely visible but apparently for young kids they use those chunky flesh colored ones. They also have colorful ones because everyone wants an enormous green hearing aid (it's like a kick me sign!). My concern is that he will be labeled the weird hearing aid kid. As of now he has a very audible speech delay. Somehow he has managed to fit in really well at school, mostly by being the funny kid. He is well liked and rarely ever bullied or teased about his voice. Sometimes kids will say "you talk funny" to which Andrew will follow with some sort of joke that will make the kid laugh. If he has gotten by so far without being teased I doubt a hearing aid will make any difference. We'll see. Maybe I will teach him some hearing aid jokes or something.

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